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Serenity - Calming Elixir

Regular price $17.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $17.00 USD
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Created with a blend of hand-harvested restorative, protective and nurturing herbs to help bring peace and calm quietness.

Hawthorn is a heart herb, bringing protection and emotional healing where needed.
Tulsi adapts to what we need and goes into those places.
Catnip brings a sense of calm and helps rest a tired mind.
Motherwort nurtures us and feels like a warm hug.
Chamomile helps to calm an anxious body and brings rest.
Lavender is soothing, bringing a feeling of lightness.
Rose flower essence is energy magick and softens energy and offers us love, happiness, and protection.

1 fl oz

Infused with hawthorn* (leaves, berries and flowers), tulsi², catnip², motherwort², chamomile², lavender², rose flower essence*. Lightly sweetened with local honey².
²organic *harvested by us

*Many of the herbs we use in our handmade potions and offerings are hand-harvested and respectfully gathered from the land by us, through ethical & sustainable wildcrafting, or are grown on our own property. Any additional herbs are sourced responsibly and thoughtfully from other growers.

Herbal elixirs are made by infusing herbs & honey into alcohol, over a period of time. While we always use safe & simple herbs, we recommend that you check with your physician if you have any questions or concerns about which herbs you're using. Traditional and folk methods of herbalism are not a substitute for professional medical care. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.